Historical Data

Growing up in his human form, The Mysterious Movado was an avid percussionist and martial artist with a background in gymnastics and marching band at a young age. As a small earthling, he would entertain raucous bar crowds in one of many bands with his brother/tag team partner; Justin Felix who eventually became known as Bubba Mackenzie/ BNU Number 1 in the Bump-N-Uglies Band and Tag Team of the same name. His incredibly uplifting parental support provided experiences in drama, music, travel and athletics that led him toward an undying love for sports entertainment. Years later, through the friendships of the Insane Clown Posse(ICP), Rudy Hill (The Rude Boy) and the late, great Malcolm Monroe Sr., Movado was able to make his debut as a professional wrestler, performing as Felix Von Jagermeister of Berlin Germany and capturing the National Allstar Wrestling Pacific Title on several occasions before becoming it’s eternal champion once the brand morphed into Hellfire and then JCW.

What was lacking was proper training, which was received through Truth Martini in 2001/2002, a relationship that continues to this day as Movado consults regularly at the House of Truth Pro Wrestling School – hotwrestlingschool.com

As a promoter and booker for Independent Wrestling Revolution (IWR), Movado gained the valuable experience of working with multitudes of venues and talents tp bring IWR’s vision to reality, holding events at Saint Andrew’s Hall, Comerica Park, The Silver Dome, The Majestic Theatre, The Royal Oak Music Theater and even the Detroit Institute of Arts. The IWR evolved into Revolucha (TM), which also evolved Movado into a masked character.

For years, the Bump-N-Uglies dominated the Midwest tag team scene where they traveled scoring multiple title wins and thousands of miles traveled. Once Bubba Mackenzie stepped away from pro wrestling, Movado was left to make his own way as a singles competitor.

As fate would have it, a very mysterious ancient alien artifact found it’s way into Movado’s possession, completely overtaking his human body and causing the evolution that is ongoing to this day…stay tuned for more of the origin story in an exciting new graphic novel with details TBA!!!

The Mysterious Movado fully endorses DDP Yoga and is in the process of becoming certified as a level 1 DDP Yoga trainer, the very first ever masked pro wrestler DDP Yoga trainer. Stay tuned for when official classes will become available!

The Mysterious Movado has been moving and grooving his way across the Midwest and Canada having a blast while gathering his Humans support! Follow along and see what the Mystery is all about!